Our instruction is based on our more than 100 years of tactical experience in elite law enforcement agencies and tier one military units.
Featured in May 2018 SWAT Magazine
Can YouTuber Logan Paul prevail at Combatics?
Logan Paul is one of the world's most successful YouTube entrepreneurs. He is a confident (cocky) young (24 at the time), fun (undeniably so), fit (works out daily), fighter (semi-semi-pro), who can be a bit crass (language warning), but despite all of his tremendous success, is Logan Paul the man he thinks he is, or the man he wants to be?
Logan Paul's early January 2020 visit to Combatics Training, reveals who he truly is...
Logan Paul in action at Combatics Training.
We provide exclusive and relevant training in order to prepare you to prevail in a hostile encounter, no matter where it might occur.
Our full-spectrum firearms range w/ integrated obstacles
and rappelling/fast-roping/ shooting tower, offers a truly unique training experience.
Hands-on instruction focused on particular client needs, for beginners, CCW trainees, and advanced, induced-stress combat readiness courses.
Prepare to prevail in combat - no matter where it might occur... or, just prepare to have fun.
Logan Paul gives Combatics a shot (video below)
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